What is EFT?
EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique was created by Gary Craig in the 1990's. Much research has been done on the incredible connection between Body & Mind. EFT is an amazing tool used to free your emotions that may be blocking your body from being able to heal. It is a self-help method that involves using the fingers (No Needles) to gently tap on the body's acupuncture points along the meridian lines. EFT Tapping helps us tune in to the negative patterns that we form surrounding our uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, or troubling memories. The freedom felt by EFT can go deep into healing the Mind & Body Connection, physically, mentally & emotionally. I created “EFT with Healing Me” out of a pure passion for people, and living a happier and healthier life! My goals, ambitions and inspirations are to help you and heal Emotionally, Mentally & Physically. Get in touch to learn more about Healing Me.
Surrogate EFT, or Proxy Tapping, is used as a substitution when a person is not present. Whenever someone cannot be present, or is not able to do EFT for themselves, you can stand in the "gap" for someone else's issues by tapping on your own EFT points. You can also do Surrogate Tapping on pets.
Surrogate EFT can be used in cases such as but not limited to:
* Infant in incubator
* Someone who is far away
* Person that cannot handle
physical touch
* Person who is unable to do
EFT for themselves
* Many other situations
Contact me for more information on Surrogate Tapping

Personal Experience with Surrogate Tapping
I was very skeptical of Surrogate Tapping when I was first introduced while taking Level 2 for my certification. I decided to try it on my daughter who was struggling with anxiety, depression and ADHD in school. I couldn't believe how quickly and effectively it worked. I have continued to use Surrogate Tapping for many other situations. So far, Surrogate Tapping has worked 100% every time I use it!
For more information on Surrogate Tapping please go to these links:

There are 9 basic Tapping Points. These points are part of the meridian system (the highway or channels in which the body's energy flows). By "tapping" these points gently with your fingers, you are activating your meridians which release blockages in your body's energy and balances it. The Tapping Technique can alleviate emotional and physical issues therefore, you open yourself up for a happier and healthier life.
It can take years of counseling and/or therapy before you start feeling positive effects. This therapy can cost thousands of dollars. EFT cuts to the chase, takes only minutes to begin feeling relief and is much less expensive! EFT is simple and painless.
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